Aleph Zero Blog

Ambassador Program: Kicking Off Into Full Swing

Jan 11, 2023

AI Summary

Here's your AI summary of Ambassador Program: Kicking Off Into Full Swing on Aleph Zero blog

Top 10 key takeaways:

  1. Launch Announcement: The Aleph Zero ambassadors program was initially announced in 2022.
  2. Second Cohort Selected: The second group of ambassadors has now been selected and the program is moving forward in full swing.
  3. High Interest: Over 5,000 applications were received, indicating a high level of interest in the program.
  4. Selection Criteria: Candidates were evaluated based on their alignment with Aleph Zero’s values and their engagement with the project and community.
  5. Acknowledgment of Current Ambassadors: The blog acknowledges the efforts of the current ambassadors who have been active since the Mainnet launch.
  6. Current Ambassadors' Handles: The Telegram and Discord handles of the current ambassadors are listed for community recognition.
  7. Introduction of New Ambassadors: A list of new ambassadors, along with their Telegram and Discord handles, has been provided.
  8. Community Engagement: The blog encourages the community to congratulate the new ambassadors.
  9. Growth Focus: The program aims to further grow the Aleph Zero community with the help of its ambassadors.
  10. Future Outlook: There is an optimistic outlook for the continued development and engagement of the Aleph Zero community through the ambassador program.
AI Summary

In 2022, we announced the launch of the Aleph Zero ambassadors program. We are excited to finally announce that the second cohort of ambassadors has been selected, and the program will be kicking off into full swing from this point forward!

We were blown away by the level of interest in the program, exemplified by the large volume of applications received – more than 5,000! Our team evaluated candidates based on their alignment with Aleph Zero’s values and their level of engagement with the project and community thus far.

  • We’d like to take this opportunity to thank the ambassadors who have been already working to help the community get more familiar with Aleph Zero since the Mainnet launch. Please find their Telegram/Discord handles below:

  • @AlephSuper/Super Aleph Zero#8447
  • @DarthTager/DarthTager#9210
  • @probot86/Allii#7053
  • @therealfreshman/Freshman#7664
  • @dreadbongo/DreadBongo#1686
  • @Hnefatafl
  • @Cryptfaux/Cryptfaux#9515
  • @The_Fit_Techie/fit techie#6406

The list of new ambassadors can be found below, with their Telegram and Discord handles. Please congratulate them on their entry into the program!

  • @dennisazero/Dennis#6633
  • @bjcrocker1/BJ Rocker#6618
  • @PHBA2061/3PHBA2061 | VietStaking Validator#2530
  • @dallocrypto/Dallo#1847
  • @bobo7784/bobo#0171
  • @mohsineja/mohsinejaz#7683
  • @mikbohr21/mikpharm#5900
  • @maragung/maragung#9461
  • @realblackbot/Blackbot#7361
  • @miloskriz/milos_kriz#4407
  • @Lucsky21/LucSky#4502
  • @sjgraves/sjgraves#7243
  • @CaptainAlephZero/Captain.Azero#5539
  • @johnrmb/johnrhodel#8162
  • @shelby9189/Shelby9189#9946
  • @besirdemir/besirdemir#5931
  • @Mattvvd/Matthew_kami#4209
  • @ionutalephzero/Ionut T#9141
  • @ribdyne/ribdyne#6775
  • @Marty0011/Marty0011#7038
  • @moukong/Moukong#5702
  • @KaptanTrakyali/KaptanTrakyali#0959
  • @Dennis00815/hugo1848#6135
  • @Kriptochef/KriptoChef#3051
  • @LeeshonAlexanderRamtin
  • @Ashrafabdelaal/Ashraf abdelaal#9625
  • @Jerry_42069/Jerry0_0#5167
  • @danosbananos/Marc#2234
  • @verstakn/verstak#3259

We look forward to further grow the Aleph Zero community together with its Ambassadors!